Our School and City

Short Resume of Varna

Here are some interesting and fun places you can visit during your stay here:


ITPG Varna

The Professional High School of Computer Modeling and Computer Systems "Academician Blagovest Sendov" is an educational institution, opened as a public school on September 15th, 2020, in Varna, Bulgaria. Created through a collaboration between the Technical and Economic Universities of Varna, the school offers specialized education with subjects taught by professors from both universities. The school, named after Academician Blagovest Sendov, offers specialties like Computer Graphics, System Programming, Robotic Programming, AI Programming, and E-commerce.

We have wonderful teachers and students, and overall our community is very friendly and welcoming. If you have a problem, feel free to go to our school counselor and psychologist, they will help you with your issue and whatever you're going through. Our school is located on the territory of the Technical University. Our PE classes are on the university's field, which is about 500 meters from our school's building. Due to our building being new, we have interactive boards, nice classrooms, and excellent computer rooms, we use Chromebooks to study. In conclusion, if you don't break the rules, you are respectful and nice- you will have a wonderful stay here.  :)