

The third day of the Space School program proved to be a true immersion for the participants in the areas of recycling, space fashion, historical artifacts, and the depths of space.

The day began with a recycling workshop. The students had the opportunity to create their own products from recycled materials, showcasing their imagination and ingenuity.

Next on the program was a journey through time at the Archaeological Museum. Participants immersed themselves in the region's rich history, exploring ancient artifacts, archaeological discoveries, and the cultural heritage of Varna.

In the afternoon, the participants visited the Nicolaus Copernicus Varna Observatory, where they observed constellations, planets, and distant galaxies. It was a moment of excitement and inspiration, filling the students with a passion for exploring the cosmos.

Later, in the observatory hall, the students created captivating audio stories. A series of podcasts reflected their creativity and ability to discuss various aspects of sustainable development.

The third day of Space School was a journey into the world of exploration, creativity, and respect for the beauty of space.