

In the morning, we departed from the station in Eger towards Budapest, eager for the adventures ahead. Upon arriving in the city, our first stop was the poignant Shoes on the Danube Bank memorial, which deeply moved us with its powerful tribute to the victims of the Holocaust.

We then took a stroll through the city, despite the persistent rain. Our walk led us to the majestic Hungarian Parliament building, whose stunning architecture left us in awe.

Next, we visited the Matthias Church, a breathtaking structure with intricate details and beautiful stained glass windows that transported us back in time. 

As we continued our exploration, we admired the magnificent buildings that showcased Budapest's rich history and culture. The rain, rather than dampening our spirits, added a layer of romance and mystique to our experience.

Overall, our visit to Budapest was filled with remarkable sights, historical landmarks, and unforgettable moments, making it a truly memorable day.