
Day five

On the final day of the Hungarian group’s visit to Varna, we started with an engaging lecture about plastics and recycling. The speaker provided valuable insights into environmental issues and the importance of sustainable practices.

After absorbing this crucial information, we took a short snack break, energizing ourselves for the tasks ahead.

Post-break, we dove into preparing our final presentations. Each group worked diligently, compiling the knowledge and experiences gained throughout our stay. This collaborative effort highlighted our shared commitment to learning and growth.

In the afternoon, the atmosphere turned celebratory as the principal handed out certificates, recognizing our achievements and contributions. Each of us felt a sense of pride and accomplishment.

The day culminated in a heartfelt farewell party. It was a bittersweet event, filled with laughter, shared memories, and promises to keep in touch. As we bid goodbye to Varna, we carried with us not only our certificates but also the lasting friendships and invaluable lessons from this unforgettable experience.